Jagananna Vidya Kanuka App 1.3.8 (Latest Version)

다운로드 Jagananna Vidya Kanuka App 1.3.8 (Latest Version) Android 용 2025

앱 작성자:
1.3.8 Android 용
업데이트 날짜:
6 13, 2023
23.4 MB
필수 안드로이드:
Android 7 and above
Table of Contents (Show)

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has a program called Jagananna Vidya Kanuka that aims to give children at government-run schools school kits that include textbooks, stationery, and health kits. The Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Android Mobile App was introduced by the government to streamline the procedure and monitor distribution. This app makes it easier to enter products that have been received and serves as an official receipt from the school. For the purpose of entering information on the JVK kits and textbooks given to pupils, the headmistress must download the app.

Features of Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Android Mobile App

Fast and Easy: The app streamlines the process of documenting and monitoring the distribution of school supplies and textbooks.

User-friendly Interface: The app offers a simple, user-friendly layout that is simple for school leaders to use.

Integrated Reporting: The software offers integrated information on children who have been issued or are still waiting, making it possible to track and distribute school supplies quickly.

Biometric Authentication: The software has biometric authentication features that make it simple for school administrators to verify the legitimacy of mothers or guardians receiving kit delivery using their fingerprints or iris.

Benefits of Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Android Mobile App

Streamlined Process: Tracking the distribution of school supplies and textbooks is made easier by the app.

Efficient Resource Utilization: With the help of the software, schools can properly distribute the right quantity of textbooks and school supplies, minimizing waste and guaranteeing that each student receives their kit.

Security and Confidentiality: By ensuring that personal information is kept private and safe, the software reduces the likelihood of fraud.

Compliance with Regulations: The software makes sure that all procedures are followed in order to comply with legal requirements, informing parents and educators that the kit distribution is legal.


In summary, the Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Android Mobile App offers a quick and easy way for schools to track the delivery of school supplies and textbooks. To ensure a quick and easy process, the app has a user-friendly design, integrated reporting, and biometric authentication.

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